"You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden." Matthew 5:14 NKJV


The Robersons are Second

"'If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
    if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head'
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."
                                              -Romans 12:20-21

This video is about 30 minutes long. It is worth every second.


"We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other. At the end of the day, you will be happy, happy, happy." -Phil Robertson

"Just knowing that I was back on track with Jesus-knowing that He was ok with me coming back to Him. It doesn't matter what I did or what I've been through. It doesn't matter what I'm going to do. He's gonna be there and He's gonna love me just the same because He died for me. ... I remember being so relieved. Jesus brings that relief."  -Reed Robertson

Please share this with your sphere of influence, and be a city on a hill to a lost and dying world.


Shoebox Packing Party

"So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven."
-Matthew 18:4 NLT

I had a shoebox packing party with my family the other night! We packed 10 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.

I wanted to pack a couple of shoeboxes for older boys, since they are the least-packed-for age group. My older boy boxes contained school supplies, a soccer ball & pump, underwear, crayons, reading glasses, a sinch-sack backpack, a few small toys, and of course, a Bible. I also wanted include something useful that the boys might be able to use to help support their families, so I bought Pocket Fisherman collapsible fishing poles and some fishing gear!

Other items we packed in the shoeboxes included coloring books, shoes, dresses, whistles, stickers, water bottles, bar soap and toothbrushes.

National Collection Week for 2013 is November18-25.

Would you join me in packing a shoebox this year? It's a great way to share the love of Jesus with children all over the world! You can even build a shoebox on the OCC website if you don't have time to shop for your own items!

For guidelines on how to pack a shoebox, visit the Operation Christmas Child website here: http://www.samaritanspurse.org/operation-christmas-child/pack-a-shoe-box/

Check out the my Pinterest board for ideas on what to pack in your shoebox: http://www.pinterest.com/hillcities/operation-christmas-child-shoeboxes/

Remember to always pack a Bible in your shoebox, and pray for the child who receives it!


Pack A Shoebox with Uncle Si

Operation Christmas Child announced today that Uncle Si Robertson, of Duck Dynasty fame, has teamed up with them to get the word out about packing shoeboxes, and I couldn't be more excited. I love OCC, and I love the Robertsons and their open devotion to Christ. I'm so happy that God is using them to reach millions of people. Now Si is using his fame to bring attention to the wonderful mission of Operation Christmas Child.

Hey, pack a shoebox, Jack!
Watch the videos below to see Uncle Si's true heart for Christ.


Little Angels of Honduras

If you see some brother or sister in need and have the means to do something about it but turn a cold shoulder and do nothing, what happens to God’s love? It disappears. And you made it disappear.
                                          -1 John 3:17 MSG  

Missionary Katie Castro visited my church today to talk about her ministry.  Katie is a missionary to Honduras, where she recently had a baby. Her daughter, Lily, was born with multiple birth defects that went unnoticed during her pregnancy. Unfortunately, the NICU in Honduras was not equipped to handle Lily's needs, and she only lived for 3 weeks.

Through this heartbreaking experience, Katie and her husband saw the extreme need for better NICU conditions in Honduras.

There are only 70 spots for babies in the only NICU in all of Honduras, serving a population of 8 million people.  There is a shortage of supplies, meaning the babies don't have their own bassinet or incubator, needed medications, monitoring equipment or even diapers.  The nurses don't have gloves or antibacterial hand soap.

All of this leads to a staggering statistic: 40% of babies in the Honduras NICU die from preventable infections.

The video below shows the need of these precious babies better than words ever could.

The good news? You can help.

The charity Little Angels of Honduras was formed to change the fate of sick babies in Honduras.  They are in need of medical supplies and donations.

An architecture student has dedicated his senior thesis to designing a new neonatal hospital in Honduras.  The foundation has secured a piece of property worth $12 million in the city. The owner has agreed to sell it for a new hospital for only $1.5 million, due March 26. 2014. 

Please prayerfully consider making a donation today.  Checks should be made out to St. Timothy Lutheran Church, with "The Little Angel Foundation" in the memo, and sent to:

PO Box 9190
Bemus Point, NY 14712

Please follow their Facebook page for more information at: http://www.facebook.com/BeTheChangeLAF
You can also contact them at bethechange.LAF@gmail.com


Clearance Kids Clothes

making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.
-Ephesians 5:16 
This week I came across a bunch of kids clothes on clearance at Walmart, and immediately thought of Va Livre missionaries, Mark and Lori Procopio.  They are always in need of clothing and flip flops for orphans and street kids in Brazil. So I picked up as many items as I could. Most of the clothes were only $1!

If you'd like to donate clothes or flip flops to the Procopios, email me at hillcitiesministries {at} gmail.com to find out where to send them. 

Keep your eyes open for clearance clothing and flip flops! Now is a great time of year to find them.  The items needed most are elastic-waist shorts and t-shirts.

To learn more about Va Livre's ministry, visit their website at http://www.valivre.org/

Nalini Needs You

And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up.
-James 5:15a NIV

Are you registered to be a bone marrow donor? I am. Bone marrow donation is a simple process similar to giving blood.  And registering to be a donor couldn't be easier: just some paperwork and a cheek swab and you're done!

A woman named Nalini Ambady needs a South Asian donor match...and she only has 7 weeks to find one.  If you fit this description or know someone who does, please consider registering with the National Marrow Donor Program.  You could save a life.

You can find out more about Nalini by visiting http://NaliniNeedsYou.com

Please also help spread the word.

Find Nalini's Facebook page here:
And follow on Twitter: @NaliniNeedsYou

Change your profile picture to help spread awareness:

Let's pray for Nalini, first for her and her family to know Christ, and also for her complete healing and recovery!