"You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden." Matthew 5:14 NKJV


Va Livre

"Share your food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless. Give clothes to those who need them, and do not hide from relatives who need your help." Isaiah 58:7

I don't remember how I found Va Livre on Twitter, but I did. From there I found their website, housing stories and photos that made me cry. Stories of orphaned, crack-addicted children struggling to survive on the streets of Brazil--and in desperate need of Jesus. And stories of God using a willing family to change lives and further His Kingdom in the midst of this poverty-stricken environment.

Missionaries Mark and Lori Procopio of Va Livre left the comforts of home to serve in Brazil in 2009. They work in orphanages, distribute clothes and deliver food to hungry street children, teach in schools, and much more, of course sharing the Gospel in the process.

"I’ll never forget the moment I looked up, blew God a kiss and thanked Him for waking me up. I had plenty of money, a good house, a college education, and a job I loved, but I never really lived until I lived Christ and lived for Christ. Nothing I ever had or bought gave me the pure joy that serving God gave." From Va Livre's website

Va Livre is in need of donations of kids' clothing to be distributed to orphans and street kids:
• boys' gym shorts with elastic waist bands (size 14-16/youth XL works best)
• kids' T-shirts
• kids' & teen underwear
• flip flops of all sizes.

Donated items can be new or gently used. Send an email to HillCitiesMinistries {at} gmail.com for more information and to find out where to send the items.

You can also make a monetary donation to Va Livre safely and securely via PayPal. Visit http://www.valivre.org/about/our-story/ and scroll down to find the PayPal Donate button on the right-hand side of the page.

Please pray for Mark and Lori's ministry! And please share their "Hill City" with your friends and with your church, and consider helping if you are able.

"Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40b

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