"You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden." Matthew 5:14 NKJV


20,000 by December 20th

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.  -Hebrews 4:12

A youth group in Michigan has pledged to collect 20,000 Bibles by Dec 20, 2012 to be distributed all over the world through Christian Resources International.

These kids have collected over 7,000 Bibles to date, and $1,200 to ship the Bibles to Africa and India!

Please prayerfully consider how God would have you help this youth group meet their goal of 20,000 Bibles and $20,000 to ship them.

You can make an online donation toward this goal on CRI's website at the link listed below. B
e sure to write "20,000 by Dec. 20" in the comments section so the money goes to the right fund!

You can find more info, including a flyer you can print and hang locally, at this link:


Operation Christmas Child

"Freely you have received; freely give." Matthew 10:8b NIV

 Remember the excitement of Christmas morning when you were a kid?  Maybe Mom made a special breakfast. Maybe there was a warm fire blazing in the fireplace. And then there was the tree, all decorated, maybe with special keepsake ornaments, popcorn garland, tinsel or candles. Remember the thrill of adrenaline as you ripped into your packages?

What if you never had any of that?

What if you'd never received a gift in your life? What if you lived in a place of extreme poverty, oppression or war? For millions of children around the world, this is reality. But there is good news: you can make a difference in the life of one of these children.

Operation Christmas Child distributes shoeboxes filled with gifts and necessities to children in poverty around the world. These shoeboxes are packed and donated by ordinary people like you.  And they can have a life-changing impact on the children who receive them.

The video below tells the story of Lejla Allison, a woman whose life was blessed and changed forever by a shoebox she received as a child in Bosnia.

The Lejla Allison Story from Samaritan's Purse on Vimeo.

Shoeboxes are fun to pack! Cram them as full as you can with toys, school supplies, clothes, shoes and personal hygiene items. And always include a Bible!

Here's our Operation Christmas Child gift idea board on Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/hillcities/operation-christmas-child-shoeboxes/

We always use plastic containers, which the child and their family will be able to reuse for storage or for carrying water. The shoebox will benefit the whole family, so don't be afraid to include multiple soaps toothbrushes and even baby items, even though you may designate your box for an older child.

Check out the OCC website for more information on packing your shoebox: http://www.samaritanspurse.org/index.php/OCC/Pack_A_Shoe_Box/

Click here to find the nearest drop-off location for your shoebox:

Bless a child this Christmas, and impact a life with the love of Jesus Christ.

Operation Christmas Child

Christian Resources International

"You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."  Acts 1:8b NIV

How many extra Bibles do you have in your home? Can you imagine not owning a Bible at all?  There are thousands of believers and even pastors around the world who do not own a Bible and are desperate for one. That's where Christian Resources International comes in. CRI is the link between extra Bibles and believers who need them. Through their Operation Bare Your Bookshelf, you can send Bibles, study materials and tracts directly to someone who has requested them. Here's how it works:

1.   People all over the world write to CRI to request Bibles.
2.   You can request a Bare Your Bookshelf kit.
3.   CRI connects you with someone requesting a Bible.  They send you a packet containing a pre-printed mailing label, pre-printed customs form, a letter to include with your Bibles, along with detailed instructions on how to assemble and ship your package and (usually) the request letter sent by your recipient.
4.   Using a flat rate envelope from the USPS, you can assemble and ship your package of Bibles and study materials. Up to 4 lbs of books ships anywhere in the world for just $16.95!

It's that easy!

Materials recently sent to a believer in need
If you don't have extra Bibles but still want to participate, here are some inexpensive resources you can use to send to believers in need:

• Bibles from the Dollar Tree stores: http://ow.ly/erNpE
• Inexpensive Gospel tracts: http://www.crossway.org/tracts/
• Subscription to Our Daily Bread devotionals: https://secure.rbc.org/order/moreodb/

Christian Resources International also ships giant crates of Bibles and study books all over the world. If you would like to support their ministry, you can donate online:  http://ow.ly/erNTd

CRI has an informational DVD available. You can request one to give to your pastor and get your church involved--you could host a House Party or a CRI trailer Pit Stop to collect books for CRI!  To request more information or a DVD, or if you need a free Bible, write to:

Christian Resources International
P.O. Box 356
Fowlerville, MI 48836
Or call 1-888-CRI-WORD

You can also contact them on their website: http://cribooks.org/contact/

Please prayerfully consider how God would have you support Christian Resources International.


Va Livre

"Share your food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless. Give clothes to those who need them, and do not hide from relatives who need your help." Isaiah 58:7

I don't remember how I found Va Livre on Twitter, but I did. From there I found their website, housing stories and photos that made me cry. Stories of orphaned, crack-addicted children struggling to survive on the streets of Brazil--and in desperate need of Jesus. And stories of God using a willing family to change lives and further His Kingdom in the midst of this poverty-stricken environment.

Missionaries Mark and Lori Procopio of Va Livre left the comforts of home to serve in Brazil in 2009. They work in orphanages, distribute clothes and deliver food to hungry street children, teach in schools, and much more, of course sharing the Gospel in the process.

"I’ll never forget the moment I looked up, blew God a kiss and thanked Him for waking me up. I had plenty of money, a good house, a college education, and a job I loved, but I never really lived until I lived Christ and lived for Christ. Nothing I ever had or bought gave me the pure joy that serving God gave." From Va Livre's website

Va Livre is in need of donations of kids' clothing to be distributed to orphans and street kids:
• boys' gym shorts with elastic waist bands (size 14-16/youth XL works best)
• kids' T-shirts
• kids' & teen underwear
• flip flops of all sizes.

Donated items can be new or gently used. Send an email to HillCitiesMinistries {at} gmail.com for more information and to find out where to send the items.

You can also make a monetary donation to Va Livre safely and securely via PayPal. Visit http://www.valivre.org/about/our-story/ and scroll down to find the PayPal Donate button on the right-hand side of the page.

Please pray for Mark and Lori's ministry! And please share their "Hill City" with your friends and with your church, and consider helping if you are able.

"Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40b

World Vision

As I clicked through the photos online, I felt a twinge of guilt. I was "shopping" for a child. Each of the pictures tugged at my heart. All of these children needed help--how could I choose just one? I prayed that I would choose the one who needed me, and finally settled on a beautiful little girl in Costa Rica.

Four years later, and I fall more in love with this precious child with every letter she sends me.  I write to her often and always include a gift. I've been able to squeeze all kinds of unexpected presents into those 6"x 9" envelopes. For her birthday this year, I sent her a full size soccer ball. I always wonder what the World Vision workers think when they open my oddly misshapen packages!

Sponsoring a child has been one of the greatest experiences in my life. I did it to bless her, but she has blessed me.

Please consider sponsoring a child who needs your support. Visit http://worldvision.org for more information.